Hello everyone it is in fact 'The Thursday of Turpitude' and I have done nothing but make use of my holidays and do nothing! I did a little drawing as you can see here.
So let's talk about what I drew. As you can tell by the symbol on the mug and some of the give aways like rotting shoulders and soulless eyes. I drew an Undead from world of war craft.
This drawing took around 30 minutes with reference materiel. Just so you know.
Now the Undead have always been my second favourite WoW race going by history. They have gone through a lot of hardship and toil and come out with very little to show for it other than the ability to breath under water for longer and cannibalism. Oh and a morbid demeanour and a disdain for things that are living. But don't we all have that?
With the coming cataclysm I plan to play WoW again and play as an undead. A priest most likely because I like the irony that seems to bring.
The overall design for the Undead in WoW is very good considering their graphics and I think most of the good fan art for WoW involves Undead. I think everyone no matter how morbid or cheerful they are is interested in a walking, talking corpse with feelings. Mostly because it's the thought that they used to be one of us. One of the living. The idea of life after death is fascinating, terrifying and wonderful all at the same time. The opportunity to live again and right our past wrongs or just go on to make more wrongs.
It always makes me wonder what I would do with the opportunity to live again. Most likely very little. The first thing I would do is eat someone because hey, why the fuck not?
With no need to eat sleep or perform other 'functions' I would forever roam the world spreading my word. Handing out pamphlets that merely say
"You're an idiot, stop it."
Just for the sheer hell of it all. Obviously I would do a few things that benefited man kind. What they would be and their significance I don't know. But I would be forever living and have the opportunity to do everything.
But then comes the question, will I get bored? The world is forever changing and I will get to witness all the new technologies that come out. But will I eventually be un-surprisable and even un-entertainable. What would become of me then? Would I give up hope and donate myself to science or would I go on a killing spree? I shall never know until I die and find out if I am going to be an undead.
- Matt
I don't hate life.
I just hate life that is stupid.