Thursday, 12 August 2010

I Hibernated Throughout the Summer

Hello readers! It's been a while. I would tell you how long exactly if I had any sort of inclination to do so.

The title tells you the gist of why I haven't been posting. It's the summer holidays over here and because I am about to go into college I have an extra 6 weeks of holiday. That's right a 12 week holiday. That's more than a 5th of a year which is an insane amount of time to do nothing.

How did I occupy myself? 
Well for one I got my lazy ass a job. I am now a working lad once a week which is fine and dandy. It's a horrible job but it's an easy job and I get paid so complaining isn't needed. Though I do it anyway.
I bought new manga, books and video games. I bought Starcraft 2 recently and lost myself in the madness of pure awesome.
I even recently managed to get a new loved one. Aww isn't that sweet, the cynical guy who hates the human race always gets the girl I'm sure that's how the saying goes.

Now you would expect any sane person to love having 12 weeks of basically nothing to do other than what he wants to do, when he wants to do it. Well the good thing is that I am no sane man.

At around week 4 I was already a little bored and loosing hope. Which is fine because I am always like that. But it came to the point where waking up on the morning started to feel pointless since I wasn't going to be doing anything productive with my time. I began to feel a great melancholy engulfing me.

With that happening I started getting involved in a lot more things. I threw myself into my writing/podcasting/voice acting/gaming and became a reasonably happy man.

Though I still can't remember much of the holidays. . .

- Matt
I don't hate life.
I just hate life that bores me.