Tuesday, 27 April 2010

So lovely yet spoiled by something small.

Well hello there everyone. 'Tis the Tuesday of Turpitude and I am here to complain about something transitory and hollow.

It's spring my followers and England is unusually hot on some days. So on the way home from school today I decided to make use of the £1 I had on me and buy myself some ice cream from a fast food restaurant that shall not be named for now be referred to as Spank Monicles.

I was enjoying my treat of plain ice cream covered in small bits of chocolate. It cooled me off in the hot weather and who doesn't like ice cream? It's delicious.

But as I got to my street and was almost done with my delicious treat. I got cramp. A horrible pain at the side of my stomach that ruined my treat for me because I knew it was the eating of ice cream while walking which gave me the pain. This put me at mixed feelings.

The day had been slow.
Nothing much had happened.
I have some strange feeling in the back of my nose.

I had gotten the ice cream to cheer me up. I normally would get jaffa cakes to do this but today; it was hot and I wanted ice cream from Spank Monicles. Having this treat ruined by as something as annoying as a cramp kind of made getting the treat redundant.

If we knew the treat we were getting was going to be ruined later on or that if we got the treat we would go through some sort of pain or bemusement. we wouldn't get it. We get treats to cheer ourselves up not to go through more pain.

Now I fear that this not uncommon and I and you will forever make the wrong choice for a 'pick-me-up' and just make the day that bit worse.

Though I must admit I did love the ice cream anyway.

- Matt
I don't hate life.
I just hate life that is stupid.

Monday, 26 April 2010

Hostile? I'm not hostile. BAM! Die mother frogger!

Greetings all it is Melancholy Monday and I yet again am to tell you something you needn't know but like to read because you have a strange fetish for British writings.

Sleepy Sunday held an event I did not inform you all of. My dog ran away. I was not very broken up by this as we have only had him a short while and he was not the most pleasant dog to walk after a long day at school and a long walk home. None the less it was nice having him come up and sit with you on the couch when you were watching telly craving just a pat on the head while he laid himself on your lap.

So when I got home today from school and went to the kitchen. Imagine my surprise when he was sat on his bed. Well you would be wrong to imagine my surprise because I simply continued getting my drink and left, shutting the door behind me. 

Now you might think that because he ran away and came back I would be a lot more loving and lenient with him when he tried to pull my arm off when I was walking him. I would sit with him for ages and stroke his belly enthusiastically.


The strange thing was was the fact that I was unusually hostile to him. Every little tug of the leash he made during the walk I would be ever tempted to pull hard enough to snap his neck. I had to rein myself in and make sure I didn't do anything I would regret. For some reason just looking at him would bring me a feeling of disdain. Which is odd. Because people have to be stupid for me to look at them and me feel disdain.

Why this was I don't know. I have no reason to feel anything about the dog other than contentment. He is a nice dog most of the time if not a little young and I'm sure he will continue to make me chuckle and smile with his idiocy. So why today did I feel such hate?

When I contemplate on it I can say this has happened before with people. More often than not they have done nothing wrong and I have not actually said much too them. But one day I will feel utter hatred for them. I reassure myself and say this is normal for someone my age.

But even if it is normal. Should it really be allowed? What if another teenager acted on their emotions and regretted such?

- Matt
I don't hate life.
I just hate life that is stupid.

Sunday, 25 April 2010

Okay I got nothing, wait! I can make a post out of that.

Hello everyone it's Sleepy Sunday and I once again have an opinion.

As I was riding the bus home and hoping that on the way I would be stricken with inspiration for a hard hitting blog post that I could clearly explain my opinions and possible strike a reaction from someone.

Now there were a few things that I saw. 
A girl with bleach white make-up on her forehead but very little from the side of her eyes downwards. Which I thought was quite disturbing but also funny.
A woman with such tight jeans that I wasn't sure whether to be turned on or sympathetic for her ass cheeks which were most likely bleeding from the tautness and tenacity of those tight fitting jeans.
There was also the thought that at that moment someone could be reading my mind.
But none of these things I thought of seemed to have much meat to them. They didn't seem to have the depth for a long blog post.

So instead I've decided to write about nothing. A whole lot of nothing it seems but still nothing.

Many writers in our time and before our time have succeeded merely by writing about nothing. Many newspaper columns are about absolutely nothing. They're about someone's thoughts about the world around them and what they think about the occurrences of every day life. People enjoy this because it's familiar.

The Japanese writer Nagaru Tanigawa made a strong career and fortune for himself by writing about nothing with a twist. His light novel series 'The Melancholy of Haruhi Suzumiya' is filled with nothing. The main character Kyon would be doing nothing if he had not met Haruhi. His commentary about the moments where the group does normal things makes the reader feel at home and safe. It's familiar when he describes sitting in the club room with Koizumi playing a quiet game of Othello because we all know what it is like sitting quietly doing something simple with a friend or even someone your just acquainted with. Plus the voice acting of Crispin Freeman in the anime for Kyon makes the commentary even more fantastic.

Haruhi is nothing with a twist because the mundanity of life made interesting is interrupted by moments of sure panic, fantasy, awkwardness or all of the above. But it shows that great things come from ... well nothing.

Throughout the years of fictional writing or even none-fiction writers have been searching for the great epic to write or write about. Tirelessly searching for inspiration for a tale that will spin the minds of their people and turn nations with their life changing words.

But with the originality market almost completely saturated it becomes harder and harder to not bore your readers with something many people have said before you. So the smart money now is to find a unique way of writing about something that's already been done. Or trick someone into thinking what you have written is unique when actually the bare concept is for cliché and quite simple. 

Take Avatar for example. Not taking into account the fact that the film was riding completely on its ability to make your mind bedazzled with all the pretty colours and pictures. Which fortunately puts me at an advantage because I can't see it in 3D due to eye problems so I can see what the film truly is. Pocahontas + giant blue people - Raccoon and Humming bird sidekick.

Of course the story was lacking but my point remains the same. This film has become a huge success on a cliché idea and unoriginal concept. Because it's familiar and a good concept.

Another one would be I-Robot. Robots become sentient and go rogue. Very familiar, very successful.

So I bring myself to a close with advice for all writers or even anyone in need of an idea. If you are struggling for a concept or idea, just go with something old and add your own personal flair or twist to it. 

- Matt
It's Sunday, piss off I'm sleeping.

P.S Yes yes. The meat thing was a pun. Lads you can think about it and you'll get it. Ladies, don't think about it. You won't get it anyway.