Sunday, 11 July 2010

I'm Not on to Talk I'm on to Write Arrogant Blog Posts.

Now if you haven't noticed it's Sunday so technically even if it is 9:34Pm I should be asleep right now.

There is a great deal of flaw in the concept of online text based chat in the fact that it can't be done simultaneously with anything you're doing as it so claims. You have to continuously go back and forth between whatever it is your doing and the chat window. Having a laptop next to you with all your instant messengers doesn't change that it just means there is less clicking of the left mouse button involved.

The main fact is that no matter what you still have to divert 100% of your attention off of what you're doing. Which doesn't help when you are say: Trying to be an arrogant 'better-than-you' on a blog or just reading an article. 

The convenience really was out of the window when it started off on text and not voice where you only have to divert half your attention and can still use your eyes, never having to click on any other windows and just focussing partly on the one you're already on.

Now onto why the title is the title and why chat messenger is more inconvenient than you might think. I -and most people- don't log on their PC/Mac just to go on an instant messenger. I log on to check my youtube, play video games, edit videos or read things on the web. I might have a chat window open but it is not what I am on for.

So having a conversation on their is nigh impossible for me. I have often received complaints from people that I am impossible to talk to online. To which I reply: "Come to my house and talk to me in person than you hermit." Which is ironic coming from the young man who only leaves the house to walk the dogs.

Briefly I will ask that if someone wants to talk to me -or anyone for that matter- so much then why don't they just come over and sit with me and we'll have a real conversation? Is it just because they can't stare at porn when I'm actually in the room? Or if you are a girl -or some men- fawn over Justin Bieber pictures?

If a conversation is particularly interesting or someone on their seems interested in talking about something other than their high score on rockband or bitching about someone not in their circle of friends. Then I will dive in with my shorts off, but the fact of the matter is that a simple conversation about mundane and moot points isn't going to draw me in.

Now if I seem particularly cynical or particularly fond of the word particularly then that is just that. You may scold me and say: "Matthew however wonderful and charismatic you are, how can you say that?" But if you really look at yourself and your time on the PC you will also notice that you too aren't on the computer just to talk to people.

People that log onto computers just to go on MSN and talk all night are either an instance of one of three things:
a) Extremely lucky in the fact that they are satisfied with any conversation pointless or not.
b) Very dull.
c) Has a very dull life.

- Matt
I don't hate life.
I just hate life that is stupid.

P.S I noticed people don't seem to get my sign out. It doesn't mean I hate life at all (Hence the words "I don't") or that I think my life and everyone's is stupid. It means that I dislike it when a human being with the potential to be intelligent decides to be a moronic buffoon and waste their life away.