Tuesday, 11 May 2010

Please stop you sound like the Borg!

Hello everyone it's the Tuesday of Turpitude as usual and I have something to talk about as usual.

Something strange I have noticed in my classes throughout the years. Mostly science class.

As you all know in classes we are taught to memories things and then be able to spiel them all off during an exam with a reasonable understanding of what they mean. This is very common of course and it is the best way to learn things through repetition.

Though it is terrifying to see this kind of thing in action. Today in science class was yet another example of this indoctrination. Our teacher  was giving us a run through of the chemistry module and was asking the class questions.

She would ask a simple question or to explain something such as:
Explain the affects of a catalyst on a reaction...

Then almost half of the class would reply in a monotone drone:
It lowers the activation energy thus more particles have the activation energy therefore there are more successful collisions in a given time.

Now hearing a large group of the class say this in the same terrifying tone is, well, terrifying. From then on I just had pictures of everyone with pale skin and machinery sticking out of them saying:
"Resistance is futile, you will be assimilated."

Now I have little idea on whether this is a bad thing or a good thing but it still scares the crap out of me that even though the human mind is so powerful. It can be taught to spiel stuff off like a computer. Are we all truly that impressionable at our teenage years that we can be moulded and morphed by any adult into what can be described as an indoctrinated slave?

Now I am not saying adults are evil before someone sends me an angry email. I am saying that it is just scary how impressionable the mind is.

How can we call ourselves superior?

- Matt
I don't hate life.
I just hate life that is stupid.

Sunday, 9 May 2010

I'll just read along because you aren't a psycho

Well hello everyone, isn't this just a lovely Lazy Sunday? For me it is. By most people's standards the weather is abysmal and moody. While to me the weather is perfect. Not because I am morbid and love grey skies and rain. I honestly just prefer grey skies and rain, for some reason it is nicer to me than the blazing heat and blinding light of a sunny day.

As I rode home on the bus this morning I once again observed the world passing by for inspiration for a blog post. Now the first thing I want to talk about is this:

I got on the bus and at the same time two others did, one of them was a woman in her 20s who was in my opinion rather attractive. Now I sat down first and even though there was probably over 13 seats on the bottom floor alone the woman chose to sit behind me. Now I have no delusion that she was into me or anything. Mostly because she waited at the stop with her partner. But I did however feel extremely complimented.

Someone sitting behind me on a bus says these two things:
A) I don't smell bad.
B) I don't look like a psycho killer.

Which are things I love having confirmed. Because quite frankly if you like being either or both of those things then you have a problem on your smelly homicidal hands.

To keep myself from going insane on the bus I listened to my music and read my favourite monthly magazine. While I was reading the magazine out of the corner of my eye I could see the woman sat behind me was looking in the magazine's direction. Which I thought was awesome.
A) Because it confirms woman like nerdy things.
B) The woman didn't feel threatened by me.
Now I would not have believed she was really reading my magazine until she got off and the next stop another reasonably attractive woman around the same age got on. Once again they sat behind me. Once again out of the corner of my eye I could see them looking at the magazine.

Now that either means my thumbs are amazingly interesting or that woman can be nerdy and be attractive. Though both of those things have already been confirmed.

I bow down to you nerdy girls, you are all beautiful. As you play video games and watch anime. What is more beautiful than that?

- Matt.
It's Sunday piss of I'm sleeping.