Saturday, 20 March 2010

So you act like a five year old. But you don't like the snow?

I am one of the many people out there in the world that just loves snow. You can make snowballs/men/houses/chairs/boulders and have a boat load of fun doing so. Every day school has been closed for intense snow, well I'm instantly out there with my boots. gloves, hat and scarf ready to have some fun.

But something has changed among my generation. People my age don't seem to like snow. Which I do not understand. Snow is something we only used to get back when we were 5 years old and a little above and now it's rarely even seen. So why on earth when ever snow hits the floor, does every teenager log onto face book and say?
"Fucking snow it's shit why doesn't it piss off and not ruin my day?"
I mean what the hell happened to the inner child? How can people not like snow? You don't have to play in it but why not go out for a walk in it? The world looks so much nicer when it is covered in a white veil of snow. There is nothing nicer than taking out a friend or girl/boyfriend for a walk in the snow. You have a nice chat and listen to crunch the snow makes under your feet.

Now I'm not going to just complain about people not liking snow. No this is more about people loosing their inner child. Which is weird for the teenagers I know because they all more often than not act like 5 year olds.
Well that's a little harsh ...
No most teenagers these days seem to have this strange way about them. They think everything they do is as important as what an adult does. What they talk about is as serious as inflation and  what they think of on an issue has as much power in it as the will of Gandhi. What happened to the stage in between child hood and adult hood? Being a mix of neurotic behaviour over how you look and extreme awe as you notice the attractive member of the opposite sex for the first time?

Is this a choice kids are making.
"Okay, I am going to grow up and be a man/woman now!" Coming from a 13 year old?
Did I miss the memo when all teenagers were enlisted to drop their balls early or grow their mammary glandes before they should? Was I ill that day?

I find it scary that teenagers are on overdrive to grow up. I mean heck I want to get out of this horrible stage of growing up and go to college. But some teens are taking it way to far!

So here is my message to all you teens out there that think you should already be holding a briefcase and smoking cigars. 

"Read the hungry caterpillar again. By a buzz lightyear action figure and hang it from your ceiling!"

- Matt
I don't hate life.
I just hate life that grows up too fast.

Friday, 19 March 2010

It's hardcore man! Don't you understand?

Have you ever tried to discuss something with a friend or colleague and they just won't listen because they are so far the other way? For example you are trying to discuss the benefits of a PC compared to a console but they won't listen because they are hardcore Nintendo/Sony/Microsoft fans.

If you can't tell what my hatred is aimed towards today. It's hardcore fans. Now I am happy for someone to really enjoy something to an extent they have posters in their room or listen to the music all the time or watch the film once a week. There is nothing wrong with that and I think it is great when someone is passionate about something.

But most people these days don't just love something, they loath anything that has nothing to do with it. I mean why if you are an xbox fan do you have to shun anyone that plays PS3s? Or jump into a conversation about 360s with a comment about how awesome PS3s are?

I find it increasingly difficult to talk about video games and console these days for two huge reasons.
1) They are such a hardcore fan of another game of the same type that they would not dream of being swayed to play another game. That anyone who plays the 'other game' must be killed in a brutal battle of the nerds.
2) They are such hardcore fans of a video game of a totally different type that that is all they play and whenever you mention a game you have decided to try out. There reply is a low, slow hum of. "Cool, I got a new high score on Guitar hero"
What is it that drives people to do something like that? It's not just in video games it seems. It's in everything! People have such one track minds on things that nothing else matters. What happened to having a wide range of interests and hobbies? Have we just thrown out the concept of a good civil debate now? I swear I can't have a friendly debate with anyone because they get so offended that I disagree with them they start swearing and leave.

It's like everyone wants to dramatise everything. As if there is a war going on between everything. They like to think that they are the soldiers of goodness and light and anyone that disagree are workers of Satan. Why can people not come together and realize that they may be passionate about separate things but without the other what they love so much wouldn't be as good.  

- Matt
I don't hate life.
I just hate life that is stupid.

Thursday, 18 March 2010

They're trying to help you! Are you just that idiotic?

Throughout my school life. Or more so my highschool life - which is thankfully drawing to a close soon - I have noticed many a strange thing. One is that all students are capable of being disrespectful, ignorant, idiotic and undeserving of the education they are provided.

Now before you dive to the comments and say "Matthew you handsome flabbergaster! They're teenagers it's what they do!" I understand that teenagers are going to be a bit smug and up their own ass and think they are what the world spins around. But there is a limit to that.

Now today -and most other days- in my triple science class (Triple award. Not triple the amount.) is a prime example. We have a teacher I won't give his name... wait you know what I will! Craig Clarke, find him and laugh at his lack of ability to demand respect from those he is supposed to teach. Now whenever he teaches our class suddenly decides to throw all their regular habits -Those they have when our normal teacher is there- of being reasonably quiet and at least getting on with the work. They then decide to become the rudest, loudest and most disrespectful teenagers I'v ever seen.

One boy today was squealing the word 'sir' every 30 seconds. And the rest wouldn't shut the fuck up when our teacher was trying to explain something that would effect our grades in an upcoming test which contributes to our GCSE grades I might add so it's a big deal. 

But what  said earlier is that all students are capable of being little shits. And the ones I just referred to are regular in their idiocy and lack of sight for the big picture. So I'll give you an example of someone who normally wouldn't think of making such a disgrace of themselves. I won't give her name because I'm scared she'll hurt me. But when Mr Clarke teaches she becomes this giggling atrocity that can't keep her mouth shut long enough to do her work. She will constantly catch him on anything he has said wrong or that is remotely funny and say something ridiculous like. "You're so cute you're like a big teddy bear"

Now if she did this in every class it wouldn't bother me as much. But the fact that this one lesson and this one teacher totally changes her ethos of how to behave aggravates me to no end. What is it about this lesson and teacher combo that turns her into a babbling bug eyed idiot? This teacher is trying his best to teach us about a subject we chose to do and we are throwing his trust back at him with giggles and disrespect.

There are two reasons I see before me.
A) The experiments we do in Triple science induce a dizzying high.
B) Everyone really is just a disrespectful moron that deserves nothing but to be removed form the class.
I'd love to say the former, but sadly the latter is much more likely.

I see this disrespect for adults all over. What is it with teenagers that makes them think they own the world their parents provide? People like to blame T.V shows giving them ideas and the 'devil music' that plagues the planet these days.
No! Fuck off with those shitty reasons.
The ones to blame are the parents themselves. Spoiling their children by giving them everything they want and not even punishing them when they do something wrong. Parents need to get a fucking spine and not be scared to yell at their child when they do something wrong and stupid. But no they are all too scared their kids won't love them. A kid is going to get over being yelled at, but getting expelled from school or being banned from doing a GCSE exam because they told their teacher to fuck of they will not.

If you are one of the kids I am referring to. Then grow the fuck up and learn some manners. Yes you might not plan to be a xeno-biologist or any form of scientist but you chose the lesson so shut the fuck up, sit down and learn something.

- Matt
I don't hate life.
I just hate life that is stupid.

Wednesday, 17 March 2010

It's all up for interpretation but my word is law!

Now it's pretty obvious to guess I am a fan of English as in the subject at school. It's my favourite subject and I think my teacher is a angel that has been sent to teach us the true ways of English. But there is one thing that bugs me about English as a subject.

The words "It's all up for interpretation and what you believe."

My teacher is a big fan of saying these words, I agree whole heartedly. More often than not I disagree with my teacher and I am geeky enough to sometimes pop by after school and debate something with her. But I have noticed something that pins my teacher as some what of a hypocrite. When a student in my class that -okay I'll admit it- isn't very well read or versed in the subject gives their view on a poem or story. Our teacher will retort with the need for evidence. Acceptable. The student will give evidence and although I may not agree with what they're saying I will understand how they came to that conclusion. Also acceptable.

But here's the kicker. The teacher more often than not replies.
"I do not agree with that." She will give evidence and reasons why she doesn't. Sometimes. A lot of the time she will have a heavy undertone of "I don't agree with you so why should I explain myself?" but will still be saying something simple like. "I'm not too sure how you got that."

Now this is normal. A lot of my friends or colleagues will not agree with what I say and give absolutely no reason why. Although that is aggravating it is acceptable.

But when an English teacher (A teacher of the subject not their ethnicity) constantly tells us that these poems are how we view them as long as we have evidence to support our views. More often than not just flat out disagrees with a student and does not give counter evidence. That is just plain stupid.

I'll make it clear that I think this teacher is an awesome teacher and is fantastic for a debate. But that is the one thing I cannot stand about her. Also some of the terms she uses (Scrubady-doo) are annoying but so are some of the terms I use.

A teacher is a human and makes mistakes and has their own bias but they should not be a hypocrite. If they are going to tell us something, they should not force a counter opinion on us either. It's as bad as a 40 year old smoker whom smoked since 12 telling her 12 year old daughter never to start smoking while having one in her mouth and another on the light up.

But this can also be put into other real life subjects. I.E what I mentioned about my friends and colleagues. So I tell you now, you do not have to agree with what I post on this blog. You merely have to bow down and surrender to my will or be smashed into a bloody pulp. 

- Matt.
I don't hate life.
I just hate life that is stupid.

P.S If you are really that bad at English. I used irony to make a joke in that last sentence.

Oh on a side note. My co-hosts for the Walk Alone Gaming Podcast  are both starting blogs to follow in my all mighty footsteps. Here is the lovely female co-host Mikuru's blog.

Tuesday, 16 March 2010

When did I say I watch cartoon pornography?

Okay okay so every now and then something I love a great deal -anime- will come up in conversation. I will instantly confess the fact that I love the stuff. Suddenly people are looking at me like I told them I love to chew on my pet's tail.

"You watch cartoon pornos?" They will ask in a disgusted fashion.
"What? No!" I will reply. "I watch anime!"
"Yeah that's cartoon porn?"
No it isn't

Now is it just me, or is everyone who doesn't know what anime actually is, is a moron? No matter how many times I tell them that anime is not cartoon pornography. There is always someone that still has the wrong idea.

I mean, people my age have watched the old -back when it was good- pokemon cartoons. Some of them loved Dragon Ball Z and most thought that some of the characters were cute. Now when did everyone suddenly drop theri brains and start stomping on them? Does no one actually know the name of what they are watching these days? I will kindly explain to them.

"Did you watch pokemon?"
"You watched Dragon Ball Z?"
"That's anime you retarded fuck monkey!"

I think from now on, at the beginning of every anime programme in the UK it should start in big bold letters.

'This is anime you are watching! This is the name for the style of drawing used!'

So that no one has to explain to the thick idiots out there that anime is not cartoon porn and is probably the best thing that came to cartoons since Tom and Jerry.

- Matt
I don't hate life.
I just hate life that is stupid.

Monday, 15 March 2010

Only 50 friends on facebook.

To start of the ride of hatred that will surely be a long one I am going to talk about facebook.

Recently someone asked me.
"Matthew, why do you only have 50 friends on facebook?"
Okay so here is the thing that really bothers me. 'Only' as if 50 isn't enough. Well for a start off, the people's friend requests that I accept are people I know. So that knocks off about 100 of everyone I knows friends list. Also I only add people I have regular conversations with or at least enjoy the few I have with said person. Knocking off another 100 and another 200 if you're in highschool or recently left.

What do I get out of adding 150 people that I don't give a shit about? All I get to know is that they play farm ville way too much and love to join groups that mean fuck all. The people I add are personal friends and people I am interested in knowing of their daily life.

Not that anyone uses facebook for its actual purpose. Which is to update friends on your own daily life. I don't see anyone actually doing that other than myself.

So I have 50 friends. Because those are the people I have in reality as friends. If you think that is a small number:
A) Fuck you. I'd be happy with one if they could hold a decent conversation.
B) Go through your facebook and count how many you talk to once a day for more than 20 seconds. And then pick ones you have actually even spoken to. Remove all of them and find how many are left.

- Matt
I don't hate life.
I just hate life that is stupid.