Wednesday, 18 August 2010

A Murderer is a Murderer, But a Pet is Still Cute with Blood on its Lips.

Hello my fellow cynical people. If you are not cynical and don't have a heart of stone. First off you're strange for reading this and second of all you are a lucky bastard. But let us not dwell on such matters. I assume you wish to know why I have such a title.

It's a simple matter that could be conveyed in a paragraph or two but like most writers I will draw it all out very dramatically as if it is more than a blip on the cosmic radar of existence that continually bleeps on forever, eventually forgetting us as we fade into the universal darkness that is nothing.

A few months ago, my family got a new dog. First of all we were expecting a chocolate Labrador of around 6 months age. What we got was a Pater dale Terrier. So it wasn't even close in the end but both me and my mother fell in love with the cuteness of the thing, he was very shy and huddled close to me as we drove home. Which warmed my crumbled heart with the flames of dependency and ever lasting love which a dog gives its master. In retrospect I see I was dooped and deluded at the time.

While my father was not hating the idea of a new dog. No dog could replace our other dog Cassie. So Gordi -that is what we named him, after Gordon- was treated well by all and given the standard daily allowance of belly rubs .

Another thing my dad loves along with Cassie. Is his chickens, 4 of them in fact. Very lovely chickens that provided eggs that we would enjoy. Often enough my parents -on a sunny day- would sit out in the sun and watch the chickens just wander around they fenced off area of the garden. It gave my father a purpose he had seemed to loose when my older brother moved out and even more so when his mother died. He cared for the chickens so much he even got a cockerel with the intention to breed. Sadly Cliff had to be taken away when the neighbours began to complain.

Gordi too was fascinated by the chickens wandering in their home. Though it was for a much more malicious reason than my father's. One day we left the patio door open to let some air in and allow the dogs to bask in the sunny day. My mother was tending to household chores and my father was virtually falling asleep in his arm chair when we heard the cries. My father instantly sprung out of his chair and ran into the garden. It wasn't long until I was told one of the chickens had been killed.

My father was furious. Sitting in his arm chair staring at the TV which was currently off. What was running through his mind I knew not. Though the rest of the chickens remained unharmed thus much of the rage subsided quickly.

Only a month after had Gordi killed another. 2 remained.

As you can see where this is going I won't beat too much around the bush. On the final day of the remaining chickens I was sat in the living room. My parents were at work and I was enjoying the empty house as much as I could. Which is never very much. I had decided to watch a film. I foolishly left the patio door open to let air in on the hot summer's day. Not 30 minutes into the film did I begin to hear cries. It took a moment to register what was going on but when I realised I ran out into the garden to see one chicken laying lifeless and another in Gordi's bloodied jaws. He dropped the chicken as soon as he heard me coming and tried to dash for it. I grabbed him and with a heave I threw him across the garden in rage.

The last chicken was dying. Its eyes were open but its neck was broken. It was clinging to life with nothing but crushed bones and slow breathes. I could do nothing but sit with it and not only watch but feel it die in my hands. Knowing full well what might have happened to Gordi if all the chickens died. I pleaded for it to live but to no avail. The chicken convulsed and gave a fleeting cry before finally stopping its breathing and movement. I lay it on the ground as my father finally came into the garden. His face turned from the smile of seeing his son and returning home to rest, to the dismay of seeing his last two precious chickens dead and me sitting nearby. He knew already who had done this. I said nothing. I will not lie to my readers, Gordi was beaten. But Terriers are naturally tough and resistant dogs so he took the few strikes and then took his chance to hide.

I helped my father dispose of the chickens and then sat by Gordi to defend him in case my father continued his rage. It was more for my father's sake than his. I did not want my dad to live with the fact that he killed a living thing in front of his son. So Gordi was defended and lives to this day.

I expected these were his last days in our house. But alas, my mother had the deciding vote and he stayed. Neither my father or myself wants him in the house. So why should he?
Whether he is my mother's pet or not, he killed 4 of my father's pets. There needs to some repercussions and compensation I think.

Though I find it hard to have any emotional attachment to anyone or anything but my father. I liked the chickens more so I liked that they made my father happier. Yet Gordi who makes no one but my mother -who mind you does not walk or feed him. That is left to me and my father- happy is still in this house. Every time I look at him I see his lips bloodied and crimson on his teeth. I am not saying he too should be dead, just not in this house.

- Matt
I don't hate life.
I just hate those that take it and don't loose anything. 

Thursday, 12 August 2010

I Hibernated Throughout the Summer

Hello readers! It's been a while. I would tell you how long exactly if I had any sort of inclination to do so.

The title tells you the gist of why I haven't been posting. It's the summer holidays over here and because I am about to go into college I have an extra 6 weeks of holiday. That's right a 12 week holiday. That's more than a 5th of a year which is an insane amount of time to do nothing.

How did I occupy myself? 
Well for one I got my lazy ass a job. I am now a working lad once a week which is fine and dandy. It's a horrible job but it's an easy job and I get paid so complaining isn't needed. Though I do it anyway.
I bought new manga, books and video games. I bought Starcraft 2 recently and lost myself in the madness of pure awesome.
I even recently managed to get a new loved one. Aww isn't that sweet, the cynical guy who hates the human race always gets the girl I'm sure that's how the saying goes.

Now you would expect any sane person to love having 12 weeks of basically nothing to do other than what he wants to do, when he wants to do it. Well the good thing is that I am no sane man.

At around week 4 I was already a little bored and loosing hope. Which is fine because I am always like that. But it came to the point where waking up on the morning started to feel pointless since I wasn't going to be doing anything productive with my time. I began to feel a great melancholy engulfing me.

With that happening I started getting involved in a lot more things. I threw myself into my writing/podcasting/voice acting/gaming and became a reasonably happy man.

Though I still can't remember much of the holidays. . .

- Matt
I don't hate life.
I just hate life that bores me.

Sunday, 11 July 2010

I'm Not on to Talk I'm on to Write Arrogant Blog Posts.

Now if you haven't noticed it's Sunday so technically even if it is 9:34Pm I should be asleep right now.

There is a great deal of flaw in the concept of online text based chat in the fact that it can't be done simultaneously with anything you're doing as it so claims. You have to continuously go back and forth between whatever it is your doing and the chat window. Having a laptop next to you with all your instant messengers doesn't change that it just means there is less clicking of the left mouse button involved.

The main fact is that no matter what you still have to divert 100% of your attention off of what you're doing. Which doesn't help when you are say: Trying to be an arrogant 'better-than-you' on a blog or just reading an article. 

The convenience really was out of the window when it started off on text and not voice where you only have to divert half your attention and can still use your eyes, never having to click on any other windows and just focussing partly on the one you're already on.

Now onto why the title is the title and why chat messenger is more inconvenient than you might think. I -and most people- don't log on their PC/Mac just to go on an instant messenger. I log on to check my youtube, play video games, edit videos or read things on the web. I might have a chat window open but it is not what I am on for.

So having a conversation on their is nigh impossible for me. I have often received complaints from people that I am impossible to talk to online. To which I reply: "Come to my house and talk to me in person than you hermit." Which is ironic coming from the young man who only leaves the house to walk the dogs.

Briefly I will ask that if someone wants to talk to me -or anyone for that matter- so much then why don't they just come over and sit with me and we'll have a real conversation? Is it just because they can't stare at porn when I'm actually in the room? Or if you are a girl -or some men- fawn over Justin Bieber pictures?

If a conversation is particularly interesting or someone on their seems interested in talking about something other than their high score on rockband or bitching about someone not in their circle of friends. Then I will dive in with my shorts off, but the fact of the matter is that a simple conversation about mundane and moot points isn't going to draw me in.

Now if I seem particularly cynical or particularly fond of the word particularly then that is just that. You may scold me and say: "Matthew however wonderful and charismatic you are, how can you say that?" But if you really look at yourself and your time on the PC you will also notice that you too aren't on the computer just to talk to people.

People that log onto computers just to go on MSN and talk all night are either an instance of one of three things:
a) Extremely lucky in the fact that they are satisfied with any conversation pointless or not.
b) Very dull.
c) Has a very dull life.

- Matt
I don't hate life.
I just hate life that is stupid.

P.S I noticed people don't seem to get my sign out. It doesn't mean I hate life at all (Hence the words "I don't") or that I think my life and everyone's is stupid. It means that I dislike it when a human being with the potential to be intelligent decides to be a moronic buffoon and waste their life away.

Saturday, 3 July 2010

Black pudding ... rather anti-climactic I'd say.

Hello everyone! It's Sulky Saturday and the sun is still shining to fit with the whole summer theme over here. 

As my Mother and Father are away for the weekend my Grand-Mother decided to take me out for a meal, I obliged because free meals are nice and I love my Grand-Mother. (Shut it I do love some people!)

We went to a place called 'The Three Nuns' A nice little place that does good British meals. I ordered the same thing I ordered 6 months ago: An all day breakfast without the fried eggs. It was delicious and wonderful but I noticed something had been added since the last time I had eaten there. It was black pudding. 

Now if any of you out there haven't heard or read about black pudding it is essentially a sausage made entirely out of the blood of a pig. It's extremely healthy and high in protein, so it's all round good though many people don't eat it because of the obvious fact it's just completely made of blood. Not many people are a fan of just eating thick slightly chewy blood. 'Sept if you're a twilight lover and only eating it because the rest of your fan-club does.

I too had never eaten it, not because it was blood, no. I just had never thought to ask my parents to buy one or ask for it in a restaurant in case I didn't like the taste. Today was different, it was coming with things I knew I wanted to eat. So to hell with it I thought, it is time to eat some black pudding at last.

I can't truly describe the way I was disappointed. It was a mixture of melancholy and strange expectations not being met. Now you would expect either one of two occurrences:
A) It tasted awful and everyone around me was right even though they had never eaten it.
B) It was delicious and it was just another thing that people were too stupid to try.
Neither of these happened. Not in the slightest.

Black pudding, if I was asked to describe the taste. Tastes just like sausage. Without a shadow of a doubt it tasted just like the hundreds of sausage I had eaten over the course of my life. It was like tofu made to taste just like beef. Just as tasty, but a million times more healthy.

This disappointed me because it meant people were eating something they found delicious, but a healthier and almost exact alternative stood around the corner. Not eaten because of how it was made. It also meant that all men and women that said and still say it is delicious are basically liars. Because what they should say is: "It just tastes like sausage really."

I have never seen a coin land on its side so perfectly. No one was right in this debate. Even if I was a huge fan of sausages -which I am not- the people who said it was delicious were still lairs. Because that says to me it has its own unique flavour, which it doesn't. It tastes like sausage.

- Matt
I don't hate life.
I just hate life that is stupid.

Thursday, 17 June 2010

Close but no cigar!

Hello my lovely readers! It is the Thursday of .... I don't think there is a word for sadness or anger or disappointment beginning with Thu. Oh well! It's Thursday and that's all that matters.

It was only mere minutes ago that I got the idea for this post. Thanks to the one and only Weird Al Yankovic and his song 'Close but no cigar' hence the title.

Now the song sings about a cat that has been with many women and can never seem to settle on one because of very small reasons. Such as: Using the wrong word in conversation and failing to realise it, Owning a copy of an awful DvD and having one earlobe bigger than the other.

I began to think how common this is in the real world. Not just among men but among women as well. We all like to pretend that when all of our relationships that ended, ended because of awful arguments or horrible catastrophes. Sadly, more often than not it is just over something trivial such as -see above-

It's strange how something so tiny can ruin your love for someone. Everything can be perfect for you: She could be smart, funny, cute but not overly attractive, a fan of anime and silly sit-coms but not childish ones, in love with the oldies in music like the ink spots and just a little bit shorter than you. But if she misses just one of those things it could be dyer for the relationship. The reason for this I am not sure of.

A lot of people say you just power through that stuff, but sometimes it just doesn't work. Maybe there is such a thing as fate and it isn't exactly what qualities a potential partner has, but the fact that it is that person. Who knows, eh?

- Matt
I don't hate life.
I just hate life that is stupid.

Friday, 11 June 2010

What odd thoughts we have, no?

Hello everyone it is 'F£$*&!% Friday' and what a glorious one at that.

As many people around the country I had a maths exam today. Happily enough I finished 30 minutes early and spent the next 15 minutes checking over my work and the last thinking. What those thoughts were I will share with you today.

Because of a mishap I have been trying desperately not to think about someone and sadly in exams that's all I've been able to think about other than the work at hand. So today I tried a new tactic and thought of a song. I imagined the band playing that song with their trumpets and what I presume would be a banjo if I hear it properly. Though even this failed when I began imagining that person dancing to the song in an admittedly odd fashion.

I attempted to counter this by filling the area they were dancing in with many other people and only their forehead was in view. Eventually this began to work as I started to imagine that bloke in the white suit doing disco dancing and all the fancy moves while everyone watched. I don't know the name of the particular move.

I continued to think about this and then thought about Ross Noble's joke about the only reason people made the circle was began the disco ball was actually a very large sparkly poo and they didn't want it to land on them. Which obviously is an undesirable thing to happen. And the only reason the man was still dancing was because he wanted to see how long he could dance underneath it without it falling.

But that's just one train of thought, a lot of the time I will think about anything. For example I once wondered that if the guy to the right of me's head exploded if I would have to retake the exam.

A common thought I have every exam is I begin to imagine what it would be like to suddenly grow wings. How everyone would be in shock and awe as my back burst with bones and feathers. Blood leaking from my shirt as I writhed in pain, then flew off laughing to myself.

Or that no one would give a shit and just keep on working until the end of the exam when everyone would crowed around and ask why I have wings.

Although I would always attempt to sleep when I am done with the exam; I would never be tired enough and my brain would run whiled. Constantly coming up with strange ideas and imaginings  that often make me wonder if I am still sane or not. Though that really doesn't have to be debated these days, but that is for another day.

- Matt
I don't hate life.
I just hate life that is stupid.

Wednesday, 2 June 2010

Holy crap this is a post? Where did these things go?

Greetings my loyal readers, you all look well. Have you been working out? Oh that new hair looks so dashing on you.

Now that the pleasantries of being reunited are out of the way, let's get on with things.

Today is as always a Weepy Wednesday. The weather is pleasant and my new shirt is comfortable and I am off school until Monday. Even though I will only have to go in for three lessons due to the nature of exams. So it isn't all that weepy.

Everyday when I walked to school, I stop at my old primary school and await the people I walk with. I simply stand at the gate leaning against one of the walls. Nothing special. 

Every morning I will see the same parents drop of the same students early so they can go to what is called 'Kids Club' to await the school to open its doors. Now none of this is exactly special but I will get to the point. Now among these students is one young boy probably in his last or second to last year of primary school. Each time I see him, he looks at me and I look back at him. None of this was aggressive or bemusement, we merely acknowledged each others existence.

Now one morning I decided to mix it up a bit. I smiled at the lad, not in any sort of weird way. I just felt like saying 'good morning' without saying the words. The surprising thing was that the boy did the same; he smiled back at me. From then on every morning the boy has smiled at me before I have even really woken up to do the same.

The point of all this is that there is still hope in the younger generation. As you may all know more often than not people that are younger than you -no matter your age- aren't exactly the easiest to get on with. Especially the newest generation of kids. The new 12-14 bracket has become a large group of disrespectful morons that think they own the world. Now I couldn't give a shit what they think because it's always funny to see people like that have their egos crushed when they realize the Earth revolves around the sun and not them.

Anyway, yes there is still hope. The youngest of this generation are still to some extent respectful of their elders and know their place. The only thing is we have to encourage this behaviour. Reward a child for being polite and chastise them for being rude. Also the big kicker is this: don't give them everything they ask for.

Parents seem to think that they have to be one extreme or the other. Just go with something and give them 1 out of every 3 things they ask for. And get them the second most expensive. Then work out an actual way to just say "no" every now and then.

- Matt
I don't hate life.
I just hate life that is stupid.

Saturday, 22 May 2010

It's hot! This is England not Spain!

Hello my fine feathered readers, it's the Saturday of Solipsism and a beautiful Saturday of Solipsism at that.

Now England has been going through what I consider awful weather. Now most would consider it sticking around 26 degrees fantastic weather. Not me.

I loath the heat, I'm not a sadist and sit in the freezing cold, no. It's more that I hate forced heat. When I go outside and instantly start sweating and feel that a T-shirt and a pair of jeans is far too much clothing. I don't like it, I mean who would really?

I can understand the appeal of a nice sunny day and sitting on a field with your friends; chatting about all the strange things you like to talk about. That sounds lovely, but I don't need to be drenched in sweat for that, there can be clouds in the sky for a day like that to occur.

Now back on to forced heat. I like the cold for the main reason:
You can always put on more clothes, if you go outside naked people will through rubbish at you. So I like the cold for the opportunity to get warm. But when I am forced to be hot and cannot do otherwise I begin to get a little peeved. 

I like coming home from the chilly walk home from school -that wasn't so bad because I had my jacket on to keep me warm- and quickly grabbing a hot chocolate to warm-up even more. Then diving back into the cold to walk the dogs.
I do not like:
Coming home drenched in sweat from a hot walk home from school -which was made worse because not can I not take my shirt off when walking home I would not have the self confidence to do so anyway- and being hit by a wave of heat from a house that has been roasting up like an oven for me all day. Then soaking my dry throat in juice only for it to become dry again in the next few minutes. Then having to go back outside -after changing into clothes that will not really give me any benefit against the heat- back into the heat  to walk the dogs.

But I do admit that I do enjoy feeling cold too. The sensation it gives me as a cold breeze blows past my ears which are getting redder from the cold. The strange tingle on cheeks every time I breath. Also, who doesn't love seeing their misty breath float in front of their eyes?

Obviously I know I'm in the minority when I say I want it to rain all year round, but hey. Something about it appeals me. Not in a depressing manor, rain just looks nice.

- Matt
I don't hate the heat.
I just hate the extreme heat.

Tuesday, 11 May 2010

Please stop you sound like the Borg!

Hello everyone it's the Tuesday of Turpitude as usual and I have something to talk about as usual.

Something strange I have noticed in my classes throughout the years. Mostly science class.

As you all know in classes we are taught to memories things and then be able to spiel them all off during an exam with a reasonable understanding of what they mean. This is very common of course and it is the best way to learn things through repetition.

Though it is terrifying to see this kind of thing in action. Today in science class was yet another example of this indoctrination. Our teacher  was giving us a run through of the chemistry module and was asking the class questions.

She would ask a simple question or to explain something such as:
Explain the affects of a catalyst on a reaction...

Then almost half of the class would reply in a monotone drone:
It lowers the activation energy thus more particles have the activation energy therefore there are more successful collisions in a given time.

Now hearing a large group of the class say this in the same terrifying tone is, well, terrifying. From then on I just had pictures of everyone with pale skin and machinery sticking out of them saying:
"Resistance is futile, you will be assimilated."

Now I have little idea on whether this is a bad thing or a good thing but it still scares the crap out of me that even though the human mind is so powerful. It can be taught to spiel stuff off like a computer. Are we all truly that impressionable at our teenage years that we can be moulded and morphed by any adult into what can be described as an indoctrinated slave?

Now I am not saying adults are evil before someone sends me an angry email. I am saying that it is just scary how impressionable the mind is.

How can we call ourselves superior?

- Matt
I don't hate life.
I just hate life that is stupid.

Sunday, 9 May 2010

I'll just read along because you aren't a psycho

Well hello everyone, isn't this just a lovely Lazy Sunday? For me it is. By most people's standards the weather is abysmal and moody. While to me the weather is perfect. Not because I am morbid and love grey skies and rain. I honestly just prefer grey skies and rain, for some reason it is nicer to me than the blazing heat and blinding light of a sunny day.

As I rode home on the bus this morning I once again observed the world passing by for inspiration for a blog post. Now the first thing I want to talk about is this:

I got on the bus and at the same time two others did, one of them was a woman in her 20s who was in my opinion rather attractive. Now I sat down first and even though there was probably over 13 seats on the bottom floor alone the woman chose to sit behind me. Now I have no delusion that she was into me or anything. Mostly because she waited at the stop with her partner. But I did however feel extremely complimented.

Someone sitting behind me on a bus says these two things:
A) I don't smell bad.
B) I don't look like a psycho killer.

Which are things I love having confirmed. Because quite frankly if you like being either or both of those things then you have a problem on your smelly homicidal hands.

To keep myself from going insane on the bus I listened to my music and read my favourite monthly magazine. While I was reading the magazine out of the corner of my eye I could see the woman sat behind me was looking in the magazine's direction. Which I thought was awesome.
A) Because it confirms woman like nerdy things.
B) The woman didn't feel threatened by me.
Now I would not have believed she was really reading my magazine until she got off and the next stop another reasonably attractive woman around the same age got on. Once again they sat behind me. Once again out of the corner of my eye I could see them looking at the magazine.

Now that either means my thumbs are amazingly interesting or that woman can be nerdy and be attractive. Though both of those things have already been confirmed.

I bow down to you nerdy girls, you are all beautiful. As you play video games and watch anime. What is more beautiful than that?

- Matt.
It's Sunday piss of I'm sleeping.

Friday, 7 May 2010

Communism, there's some logic to it.

Olah everyone. It's what I call Friday of Fallacy and the title may have put you off if you are American, or if you know anything about politics.

Now I will admit I know next to nothing about politics but I do know the odd tid-bit. Now obviously I should explain the title. Communism, the basic principle is that everyone is paid the same wage no matter what job they do. Now this is obviously impossible in practice because there would be no ambition, there would just be ten million Spank Monocles workers all earning the same wage. But there is logic to this idea.

Again I will state I know very little about politics and even less about communist politics, this small bit of info is all I know about communism other than the fact that if you say that word in America, all heads in a 15ft radius will explode in fear.

Now back to my point. Throughout England and even the world, we see people being paid thousands of pounds for doing very very little. A lot of these people have earned their money and full deserve their right to sit back and enjoy it, but most of the economic sponges that plague the world are nothing more than ... economic sponges that plague the world.

I'll start with the obvious one. Footballers; I know not what the story is over in the USA (Even though you're not playing football, you're playing rugby with pads on you cowards) but over here footballers are paid incredible amounts just to kick a lump of leather around once every week or two.

We have players getting paid millions for what they do and what they do is fuck all. A lot of the players; with the money they earn from a match could put that money in a high interest account and live off the interest for the rest of their gold plated toilet lives. What kind of justice is that?

There are two problems I have with this:
A) Rugby players put a lot more effort into their sport and get paid poorly.
B) Every other job on the planet requires more overall excursion than being a footballer.
So why do they get paid so damn much?

I asked an actual football fan this question was essentially told this.
"Because it's such a popular sport and their is such a huge gross income from tickets and merchandise, they need to get paid this amount of money."
Which I understood until they didn't truly give me a reason the football players were getting so much. Yes I understand it's a popular sport, I love to play but I think anyone who watches needs to find something else to do on an evening. But why do the players have to get paid so much? There are so many better uses for the money.

If we took just around 50% of the money that goes into paying the players all over England, we make huge headway in so many scientific endeavours. We could put more money into solar, wind and tidal power. We could put more money into cancer research.  We could put more public transport on the road. We could fund better education. We could support our country so much better.

It is ludicrous that these people should be able to soak up so much money they don't even need, while people like my father work their backs to the braking to support their family. Now I am not saying that everyone should get the same amount of pay because again that means ambition fails. But what I am saying is that all countries should seriously rethink their payment methods.

Now I know full well I will have pissed off a lot of people who like football, but what do you have to get mad over? I'm not saying it's a bad game. I'm not saying that the game should cease. I'm not even saying you should stop watching it. I am saying that football players shouldn't be paid as much as they do for doing practically nothing.

So anyone out their that loves football and thinks it is fine that footballers get paid millions of pounds a day for doing fuck all. Take a look at your pay check and compare it to a football players. Think of how much effort goes into your job then compare it to a football players. Then you might see it differently.

- Matt
I don't hate life.
I just hate life that is stupid.

Monday, 3 May 2010

Revenge is one thing but that's a permanent scar right there.

Hello everyone, as you know it is The Melancholy known as Monday. Though if you're in England it's made better by not having to work or go to school today.

As I was perusing my facebook wall and glossing over the hilarious groups my friends joined because they think it makes a difference or it will make them cooler. I found one that even I was curious about. So in a moment of pure weakness I clicked on it. Though I did not join it.

It was a group called 10 Most irritating things women do during sex. Now I was curious because I didn't understand why a man would complain about getting sex from the one who controls such activities in relationships. Which I am not complaining about, keep it up ladies. Keep us on our toes!

Now this is not the source of my rant today, oh no. In yet another moment of weakness because I was unable to see these actual 10 things, I decided to have a look at the groups wall. Here is where I found an interesting page. Now some of you may know of this page. It is a page dedicated to a young girl named Lizzy. Who -safe to say- slept around and the lad who thought they were in a real relationship got very upset about this.

Now we all hear all over the internet about young men cheating on girls because girls tend to post this stuff on the internet and beg for comfort from their friends. Which is fair enough. Men don't do it because they fear it makes them vulnerable or less of a man. Which again is fair enough, most men just have one other man they can talk to about things like this.

When I say dedicated it brings up images of love and homage. But this page was far from that, we all know when some girls are heart broken they do make blog post, facebook comments, myspace bulletins or what have you about how much their ex is a dick head and deserves to be castrated with no pain killers.

On one last note before I tell you what was actually on the page, I will say I was also surprised to see a man do this. Not because it's girly, merely because it just doesn't happen often. Again because men don't like to be seen vulnerable. I am neither pleased nor saddened by the fact this guy made this page. But what he put on the page is not only different to the norm but very cruel.

Pornography! Over the years or maybe year of this couples relationships. This girl had sent the young man many a photo of herself without tops on and/or in provocative posses. (I placed in the and/or because I am not sure. It requires linking to this page to gain access to other pictures other than the first censored 2) And not only pictures. Oh no, from what the guy has posted on the page. There is also a video they made together or she made it on her own. (Again it required a linking count I did not posses)

Now I am all for revenge or making someone feel bad for hurting me. But there is a line not to be crossed in these sort of things. This is an incredibly cruel thing to do. This girls social life could very well be over, all her friends will know she did this and have a lot less respect for her. Every guy in her school will now be actively seeking her 'attention' possibly in a dangerous manner too. This girl from what the guy posted. Is humiliated and very distressed about this. What girl wouldn't be? She has become an infamous porn star.

Now I know you're all thinking.
"Matt you hunky word master! She cheated on this guy, she deserves what she gets."
Yes and no. If someone cheats and pays the price of loosing the relationship. That can be painful enough. Also then having to go through the horrible stares and hateful comments is soul braking. Loosing your reputation further is awful no matter what year of highschool you're in.

Sorry I'm letting to much slip about myself here aren't I? Moving on!

But having all your friends and possibly family and thousands of people country wide seeing such dirty pictures of you is traumatizing. Also there is a video that this girl has to live with being on the internet. This has serious implications.

Not only is it detrimental to her social life. But also to her future. These pictures are very easily spread further across the internet and it wouldn't be hard for the manager of a workplace to see these pictures and refuse to give her a job. It sounds impossible but it could happen.

As I said. There is a line to be crossed and it was bounded on the day that guy made the website. Many of us have accumulated pictures like the ones this lad had of this girl. But upon the collapse of the relationship they should have been deleted and forever forgotten. Not put on a website for all of facebook to view.

Now if any of you know of the website I am speaking of then make sure you post on their wall what sick bastards they are for viewing the pictures and what an ass hole the guy is for doing that. If you know the guy personally, give him a good punch straight in the crotch and say it's from every girl on the planet with an added signature from me too.

A message to you all.
If you are in possession of pictures like this and plan to or already have used them as revenge. Think about what you have or are going to do. Stop it, get rid of them. It just isn't worth it. Not only will her social life be ruined, but no one is going to think highly of you after you do this. Revenge is painful for the receiver, not a killer. If you really need to serve the fine dish of pay back. Find another way.

- Matt
I don't hate life.
I just hate life that is stupid.

Tuesday, 27 April 2010

So lovely yet spoiled by something small.

Well hello there everyone. 'Tis the Tuesday of Turpitude and I am here to complain about something transitory and hollow.

It's spring my followers and England is unusually hot on some days. So on the way home from school today I decided to make use of the £1 I had on me and buy myself some ice cream from a fast food restaurant that shall not be named for now be referred to as Spank Monicles.

I was enjoying my treat of plain ice cream covered in small bits of chocolate. It cooled me off in the hot weather and who doesn't like ice cream? It's delicious.

But as I got to my street and was almost done with my delicious treat. I got cramp. A horrible pain at the side of my stomach that ruined my treat for me because I knew it was the eating of ice cream while walking which gave me the pain. This put me at mixed feelings.

The day had been slow.
Nothing much had happened.
I have some strange feeling in the back of my nose.

I had gotten the ice cream to cheer me up. I normally would get jaffa cakes to do this but today; it was hot and I wanted ice cream from Spank Monicles. Having this treat ruined by as something as annoying as a cramp kind of made getting the treat redundant.

If we knew the treat we were getting was going to be ruined later on or that if we got the treat we would go through some sort of pain or bemusement. we wouldn't get it. We get treats to cheer ourselves up not to go through more pain.

Now I fear that this not uncommon and I and you will forever make the wrong choice for a 'pick-me-up' and just make the day that bit worse.

Though I must admit I did love the ice cream anyway.

- Matt
I don't hate life.
I just hate life that is stupid.

Monday, 26 April 2010

Hostile? I'm not hostile. BAM! Die mother frogger!

Greetings all it is Melancholy Monday and I yet again am to tell you something you needn't know but like to read because you have a strange fetish for British writings.

Sleepy Sunday held an event I did not inform you all of. My dog ran away. I was not very broken up by this as we have only had him a short while and he was not the most pleasant dog to walk after a long day at school and a long walk home. None the less it was nice having him come up and sit with you on the couch when you were watching telly craving just a pat on the head while he laid himself on your lap.

So when I got home today from school and went to the kitchen. Imagine my surprise when he was sat on his bed. Well you would be wrong to imagine my surprise because I simply continued getting my drink and left, shutting the door behind me. 

Now you might think that because he ran away and came back I would be a lot more loving and lenient with him when he tried to pull my arm off when I was walking him. I would sit with him for ages and stroke his belly enthusiastically.


The strange thing was was the fact that I was unusually hostile to him. Every little tug of the leash he made during the walk I would be ever tempted to pull hard enough to snap his neck. I had to rein myself in and make sure I didn't do anything I would regret. For some reason just looking at him would bring me a feeling of disdain. Which is odd. Because people have to be stupid for me to look at them and me feel disdain.

Why this was I don't know. I have no reason to feel anything about the dog other than contentment. He is a nice dog most of the time if not a little young and I'm sure he will continue to make me chuckle and smile with his idiocy. So why today did I feel such hate?

When I contemplate on it I can say this has happened before with people. More often than not they have done nothing wrong and I have not actually said much too them. But one day I will feel utter hatred for them. I reassure myself and say this is normal for someone my age.

But even if it is normal. Should it really be allowed? What if another teenager acted on their emotions and regretted such?

- Matt
I don't hate life.
I just hate life that is stupid.

Sunday, 25 April 2010

Okay I got nothing, wait! I can make a post out of that.

Hello everyone it's Sleepy Sunday and I once again have an opinion.

As I was riding the bus home and hoping that on the way I would be stricken with inspiration for a hard hitting blog post that I could clearly explain my opinions and possible strike a reaction from someone.

Now there were a few things that I saw. 
A girl with bleach white make-up on her forehead but very little from the side of her eyes downwards. Which I thought was quite disturbing but also funny.
A woman with such tight jeans that I wasn't sure whether to be turned on or sympathetic for her ass cheeks which were most likely bleeding from the tautness and tenacity of those tight fitting jeans.
There was also the thought that at that moment someone could be reading my mind.
But none of these things I thought of seemed to have much meat to them. They didn't seem to have the depth for a long blog post.

So instead I've decided to write about nothing. A whole lot of nothing it seems but still nothing.

Many writers in our time and before our time have succeeded merely by writing about nothing. Many newspaper columns are about absolutely nothing. They're about someone's thoughts about the world around them and what they think about the occurrences of every day life. People enjoy this because it's familiar.

The Japanese writer Nagaru Tanigawa made a strong career and fortune for himself by writing about nothing with a twist. His light novel series 'The Melancholy of Haruhi Suzumiya' is filled with nothing. The main character Kyon would be doing nothing if he had not met Haruhi. His commentary about the moments where the group does normal things makes the reader feel at home and safe. It's familiar when he describes sitting in the club room with Koizumi playing a quiet game of Othello because we all know what it is like sitting quietly doing something simple with a friend or even someone your just acquainted with. Plus the voice acting of Crispin Freeman in the anime for Kyon makes the commentary even more fantastic.

Haruhi is nothing with a twist because the mundanity of life made interesting is interrupted by moments of sure panic, fantasy, awkwardness or all of the above. But it shows that great things come from ... well nothing.

Throughout the years of fictional writing or even none-fiction writers have been searching for the great epic to write or write about. Tirelessly searching for inspiration for a tale that will spin the minds of their people and turn nations with their life changing words.

But with the originality market almost completely saturated it becomes harder and harder to not bore your readers with something many people have said before you. So the smart money now is to find a unique way of writing about something that's already been done. Or trick someone into thinking what you have written is unique when actually the bare concept is for cliché and quite simple. 

Take Avatar for example. Not taking into account the fact that the film was riding completely on its ability to make your mind bedazzled with all the pretty colours and pictures. Which fortunately puts me at an advantage because I can't see it in 3D due to eye problems so I can see what the film truly is. Pocahontas + giant blue people - Raccoon and Humming bird sidekick.

Of course the story was lacking but my point remains the same. This film has become a huge success on a cliché idea and unoriginal concept. Because it's familiar and a good concept.

Another one would be I-Robot. Robots become sentient and go rogue. Very familiar, very successful.

So I bring myself to a close with advice for all writers or even anyone in need of an idea. If you are struggling for a concept or idea, just go with something old and add your own personal flair or twist to it. 

- Matt
It's Sunday, piss off I'm sleeping.

P.S Yes yes. The meat thing was a pun. Lads you can think about it and you'll get it. Ladies, don't think about it. You won't get it anyway.

Wednesday, 21 April 2010

Life through new eyes.

Greetings everyone, it is Weepy Wednesday and today I will just be writing something I thought about. Not exactly a love or loath but I'm sure there will be some of both in it.

Today I was posed with a question, by myself of course. I don't talk to people enough for them to ask valid questions.

What would our lives be like if we were the other gender?

Now this actually comes up a lot in my mind. It's something to think about because our lives may be completely different or almost the same we cannot really tell. 

So I tried to think about how much different my life would be if I was a woman. I am pathetic enough to think about what I would look like, or at least what I would style my hair as. I would wear a bit of make up because that seems to be illegal not to do and I would have shoulder length hair in a pony tail. I don't know why, that's just what I would do.

I contemplated on the thought of my personality. Would I be the same insane, cynical and spiteful person I am today? Or would I be a shy, quiet and book reading girl who only has a small circle of equally quiet book reading friends? 

I ran through many of my life experiences and tried to change them and alter them along with my gender. But I can't see them being much different no matter who my friends are or what I have under the pants/skirt. 

The main quandary I couldn't give even the slightest hypothesis on. Is whether or not I would have the close relationship I do with my father and be best friends with him or if it would be swapped over to my mother. I mean, my personality would be sort of the same but would I just talk to my mother more?

Now I know we are forced to say men and women are equal and your life isn't different no matter you sex. But it is. If you're a woman you have to go through the teenage stage of being leered at by horny teenage fuck-wits and then go through a similar thing in your work years. There are other problems but I don't see the point in listing these obvious things.

I look around my room and finish of my thinking on this by asking the final question.
"How different would my room look?"
This I have no idea on, but I doubt I would have so many DC comic figures all over the place. Or maybe I would? I shall never know.

Life is full of strange questions like these that will never be answered and that is the thing that weirds me out the most. Our one life is not even close to enough to sample all the world has to offer and then there are a billion different alternatives because there are billions of species.

Perhaps we do find all this out one day. We are given wisdom beyond our wildest dreams at death. We know life, death and the universe itself and that truly brings eternal peace.

No one will ever know and live to tell the tale.

- Matt
I don't hate life.
I just hate life that is stupid.

Tuesday, 20 April 2010

It's not my job dumb ass! I'm doing my best!

Hello everyone it's the Tuesday of Trepidation and it's time to get away from the lovie dovie shit and move back onto something I loath!

I think many a time in our lives we have all been asked to do something were are no better than average at doing to help someone else and possibly yourself in the process. Be it physical or mental. From writing an essay to moving furniture around. It has happened and will continue happening for the rest of our work-rest-work-cook-work-marriage-work-children-work more-sorrow-retire-death lives.

Today was one of those days. Well yesterday too.
On Monday I was asked to play piano in a piece so that I could finish off my course work -accompanying piece was required- and help two other girls finish theirs. Now I am usually a singer or a guitarist and I am better at those two than I am at keyboard and piano. In fact, I am probably only average at piano even less maybe. But I agreed because the other two girls were singing already and guitar for some reason wasn't an option.

I had one hour to learn how the song went and play it as best I could. I did this and was corrected a few times by the girls on how they want me to play it. Hey that's fine I'm not perfect and I could use the help. It all ended rather well.

Today, I got into music and sat down. Low and behold later on I over-heard the two girls complaining about how I was playing it too fast and it was off. Then our teacher offers for their to be two recordings. One with me playing piano and one with the helping teacher playing. Already I was very insulted.

As we sat down to practice I was told to play, I started playing and immediately behind me heard a whisper of.
"That's wrong."
I almost slammed a fist through the creaky old piano then and there. I mean how dare they? Why not just tell me I am playing it wrong -which I was certain I wasn't- and help me out?

So the song got recorded and I knew I made a few mistakes but I wasn't going to play it all again because I was slowly slipping into an awful mood. So the class wanted to hear it. It was played and I attempted to faze myself out not really wanting to hear the judgements of all the people who think they know everything about music. Now my mood would not have worsened if not for when I heard the mistakes on the recording I saw one of the singing girls make the most pained face I had ever seen. I also heard a little bit of giggling from one of the yet other judgemental bitches in the class room. Though that may have been paranoia.

After all this, I didn't even get a thank you.

Now my problem with all this is the fact that they are expecting me to be brilliant on an instrument I haven't touched in at least a month or so. I mean what the fuck am I supposed to do with an hour of learning? I can't perfect a song in that amount of time on an instrument I'm good at let alone one I am sub-par at.

I mean if I am going to be picky about it. These girls weren't all that cracking at singing either. The stupid morons couldn't even harmonise. They were signing in the wrong key too. I mean come on, those are the basics and they even had more time to practice than I did since they found out about all this before me. So I would have expected better from them.

Also, I didn't expect people I was on good terms with to be such spiteful backstabbing cows. Now I am not going to say it's all women, no that's wrong. It's not even just women. Men are known to do it and I have probably done the same to someone else. Actually I can guarantee it.

Now it made me think how many times someone in a real job is asked to do something they are barely even deemed good at. How can we expect to be great at everything we choose to do. You don't pick up a guitar and get good.

You always start crap! Then you get better. That's how it works. I had started the piano bad, I have gotten better but I am not that much better. I'm not a child prodigy so don't treat me like I should be an amazing pianist who can play Bach's Prelude 21.

- Matt
I don't hate life.
I just hate life that is stupid.