Tuesday, 27 April 2010

So lovely yet spoiled by something small.

Well hello there everyone. 'Tis the Tuesday of Turpitude and I am here to complain about something transitory and hollow.

It's spring my followers and England is unusually hot on some days. So on the way home from school today I decided to make use of the £1 I had on me and buy myself some ice cream from a fast food restaurant that shall not be named for now be referred to as Spank Monicles.

I was enjoying my treat of plain ice cream covered in small bits of chocolate. It cooled me off in the hot weather and who doesn't like ice cream? It's delicious.

But as I got to my street and was almost done with my delicious treat. I got cramp. A horrible pain at the side of my stomach that ruined my treat for me because I knew it was the eating of ice cream while walking which gave me the pain. This put me at mixed feelings.

The day had been slow.
Nothing much had happened.
I have some strange feeling in the back of my nose.

I had gotten the ice cream to cheer me up. I normally would get jaffa cakes to do this but today; it was hot and I wanted ice cream from Spank Monicles. Having this treat ruined by as something as annoying as a cramp kind of made getting the treat redundant.

If we knew the treat we were getting was going to be ruined later on or that if we got the treat we would go through some sort of pain or bemusement. we wouldn't get it. We get treats to cheer ourselves up not to go through more pain.

Now I fear that this not uncommon and I and you will forever make the wrong choice for a 'pick-me-up' and just make the day that bit worse.

Though I must admit I did love the ice cream anyway.

- Matt
I don't hate life.
I just hate life that is stupid.

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