If you can't tell what my hatred is aimed towards today. It's hardcore fans. Now I am happy for someone to really enjoy something to an extent they have posters in their room or listen to the music all the time or watch the film once a week. There is nothing wrong with that and I think it is great when someone is passionate about something.
But most people these days don't just love something, they loath anything that has nothing to do with it. I mean why if you are an xbox fan do you have to shun anyone that plays PS3s? Or jump into a conversation about 360s with a comment about how awesome PS3s are?
I find it increasingly difficult to talk about video games and console these days for two huge reasons.
1) They are such a hardcore fan of another game of the same type that they would not dream of being swayed to play another game. That anyone who plays the 'other game' must be killed in a brutal battle of the nerds.
2) They are such hardcore fans of a video game of a totally different type that that is all they play and whenever you mention a game you have decided to try out. There reply is a low, slow hum of. "Cool, I got a new high score on Guitar hero"
What is it that drives people to do something like that? It's not just in video games it seems. It's in everything! People have such one track minds on things that nothing else matters. What happened to having a wide range of interests and hobbies? Have we just thrown out the concept of a good civil debate now? I swear I can't have a friendly debate with anyone because they get so offended that I disagree with them they start swearing and leave.
It's like everyone wants to dramatise everything. As if there is a war going on between everything. They like to think that they are the soldiers of goodness and light and anyone that disagree are workers of Satan. Why can people not come together and realize that they may be passionate about separate things but without the other what they love so much wouldn't be as good.
- Matt
I don't hate life.
I just hate life that is stupid.
The fact I don't play on either means I am subjected to ridicule from both groups. T_T